Embracing the Change Part 5: Convenience Nudges
Convenience nudges remove the hoops and hurdles, making the desired behaviour the easiest option to choose.
This piece is part of a series on ‘Embracing Change’ - navigating the transition from a 1:1 fleet model to a shared fleet model using nudges.
This instalment of our 'Embracing Change' series focuses on convenience nudges, which remove friction and barriers to employees using shared mobility options and make it easier for them to make that choice.
Understanding convenience nudges
Convenience nudges make the desired behaviour the easiest option to choose. By removing barriers and simplifying processes, these nudges help ensure that adopting a new behaviour requires minimal effort compared to the ‘status quo’, which in this case is individual or personally assigned mobility.
Strategies for employing convenience nudges
- Strategic vehicle placement: Reserve the best or most accessible carparks (e.g. near exits) for your pool vehicles, so that using a pool vehicle is always more convenient than retrieving a personal vehicle from a distant parking lot.
- Effective booking systems: Use an intuitive vehicle booking system that allows staff to easily book pool vehicles and makes the process as seamless as possible. The system should be accessible via mobile devices so staff can book when they’re on the go.
- Automated booking reminders: Automatically send reminders to employees’ phones a short time before their booked vehicle is available, ensuring they remember and utilise their booking.
- Get rid of keys: Reduce friction associated with accessing a shared vehicle (like finding the key lockbox and remembering the code). Use a keyless system so staff can go straight to their booked car.
- One-click ride extensions: Allow employees to extend their bookings with a simple tap on their mobile device, accommodating those common changes in plans without hassle.
- Optimise for the behaviour you’re looking to encourage: If you want to increase carpooling, ensure your booking platform makes this choice easy by front-footing available carpools.
Implementation tips
- Evaluate the current usage barriers in your fleet management system.
- Identify which aspects of vehicle usage can be simplified or made more accessible.
- Continuously gather feedback from employees to refine and improve the convenience features.
Remember, convenience nudges are all about using the power of simplification. They not only support the adoption of a shared fleet model, but also enhance overall employee satisfaction by making planet-friendly options feel intuitive and user-friendly.
Your people don’t want a top-down, dogmatic relationship. And most likely, they’ll leave if that’s what you offer. Instead, employees want space and trust to make their own choices. Nudges are how you fulfil those needs while also building an intentional, positive culture.
At Carbn, we help organisations with all of these things, and our pool vehicle booking platform is designed for convenience. If you’re interested in learning more about what we offer and how we can help, contact us here.
Read the rest of the series:
Part 1: Leveraging Nudges to Support Behavioural Change
Part 2: Informational Nudges
Part 3: Norm Nudging
Part 4: Incentive Nudges